Acresfield, Chester

Our second northern nursery, specialising in field grown bare root and rootball trees

 Set over 20 hectares, Acresfield is the largest in the Greenwood family of nurseries and specialises in around 15 to 20 varieties of field grown bare root and rootball treesas well as container grown tree production.  

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Acres Ln,
CH2 1LJ,
01243 939 551


✓ Bare root trees 

✓ Rootball trees 

✓ Container grown trees 


Rootballing machine with bare root attachment 

Did you know?

Some of our best growing tree varieties at Acresfield nursery include Betula pendula, Carpinus betulus and Pyrus chanticleer. 

Team Leader



Dominik Jacubczak is Greenwood’s Northern Nursery Manager. He is proud of the Willaston team’s spirit, perseverance and teamwork. Dominik has worked for Greenwood for 16 years which, as he says, ‘speaks for itself’. He enjoys the friendly environment and takes great satisfaction from having contributed to Greenwood Group’s growth. 

A few of Willaston’s plants have a special place in Dominik’s heart. He admires the hardy evergreen holly Ilex x altaclerensis ‘Golden King’ for its lovely yellow-edged leaves and fabulous showy berries in autumn. This small bushy plant can be used in hedging or as an individual plant. He also loves hebes, which have so many varieties boasting a wide range of stunning leaves and flowers.

Contact us



Want to learn more? Get in touch to discuss how Greenwood and our Gteam can help supply plants for your next project.