Dedicated Young Plant Production Nursery

by | Jun 14, 2017

Another Nursery has recently joined the Greenwood family….  Mapletree nursery in Yapton, West Sussex on the outskirts of Chichester.

Greenwood Plants Young Nursery

Greenwood has made further significant investment in another 9-acre site specifically for specialised propagation and growing of plugs, liners and young plants. The Nursery has a good acreage of glasshouses and polythene, mostly environmentally controlled.

Greenwood South Nursery Manager – Tom Wozniak said – “Ensuring a consistent supply of young plants for potting into our range and sufficient numbers of our  high demand varieties is essential if we are to continue to meet the demands of the housebuilding landscapers currently”

Greenwood Plants Potting

The proximity of the site to the South Coast will mean that we can produce ‘the best’ making use of light levels, averaging 2000 per annum compared to 1493 hours average in the UK, this has the natural effect of producing bushier, more robust, disease tolerant and generally high quality plants.

This will also allow potential for Greenwood to continue to expand the range we offer other growers of a range of ‘difficult to grow’ young plants including species such as Phormium, Imperata, Choisya Aztec Pearl and Viburnum davidii for sale.  It will also allow for Greenwood to expand their own range of premium perennial varieties.

Greenwood Young Plants

Mechanised production is being delivered during June 2017 which will include a full production line of tray dispenser, filler, dibber and planting station all on a conveyor belt system making economies of scale, large scale production and flexibility in compost and species to be operated by two people. 

The company plans to make further investment in trimming equipment, capillary beds and LED lighting in the coming months in addition to training additional staff in the skills of plant propagation.

More info in the coming months to follow.

Glenn Devenish
Managing Director