The power of delivery
We don’t only sell plants. We offer you time and money saving solutions through minimum disruption whilst on site.
Timely deliveries
All orders are picked and packed simply in plot numbers for easy referencing.
Call offs from main schedule make it easy to track numbers planted and those still left to go. All batches are labelled with order referencing. Delivered early allowing contractors to finish on site that day.
Delivery on dedicated vehicles specifically designed for carrying plants.
Delivery of the plants to their destination is made predominately using Bleach of Lavant and their fleet of 70 trucks which cover 1 million miles annually. All trucks have tail lift offloading and are specifically designed for handling plants. We work closely with bleach to provide a seamless delivery service capable of every challenge during peak demand
Stock availability & distribution
We are one of the largest growers within the amenity horticultural sector, we are also well placed with our nurseries in the north of England and the south of England to access many specialist growers to complement our own range. Furthermore our network of continental growers and suppliers allow us to offer arguably the best distribution network the industry has ever known.
Quality Assurance
We pay attention to the quality of plants that are dispatched for your projects. At every process from the placing of orders through to the dispatch process where we inspect plants at two stages in We use our goal of focussing on deliveries that are OTIF (on time and in full.)
We realise the importance of the correct plants arriving at the correct height and specification, also the correct quantity.
Plant Packing
How your plants are packed is important , we are aware of your frustrations when the goods are damaged on site through careless handling by inexperience delivery drivers often on pallet networks.
We always use wooden packing crates for general plant supply, showhouse orders would be packed on Danish trolleys or flat on pallets
Making sure your Plants arriving in perfect condition reflects on us and helps you in customer retention and client satisfaction.
Lean back and feel the G Force...
- 2 hours quote return for secured price contracts
- For your secured quotations we endeavour to return your quotes within a 2 hour window
- Be it quick prices for one or two items or your more complicated bill of quantities & plant list
- From the developers schedule our dedicated quoting team work efficiently to get your prices back to you as soon as they can
- Access to our Tender Tool interactive live quoting web app.
- Access instant prices from your handheld device while even on site
- Receive instant quotations in excel or PDF
- Revise and tweak your own quotations until final submission
- Request call ups and Place orders
- Next day delivery on our core range of products
- We have grown up delivering short lead times to our clients, we are constantly working on methods to improve this further as we are aware this is at the heart of what you do, getting the job done properly, and on time
- Priority pre 10am delivery slot
Client satisfaction
- Order confirmation received outlining order.
- You receive an email from our Operations Dept asking when would you like delivery or confirming your original date.
- You receive a delivery confirmation email with details of the time of your delivery and copy of the delivery note pointing out all items to be expected on the delivery.
- Last minute changes - before loading each morning, our Operations dept will do all they can to accommodate any changes in your requirements.
Quote return
For your secured quotations we endeavour to return your quotes within a 2 hour window. Be it quick prices for one or two items or your more complicated bill of quantities & plant list. From the developer's schedule our dedicated quoting team work efficiently to get your prices back to you as soon as they can.
Every quote is entered onto our system so you have a copy both as a PDF and Excel document for easy pasting into your format for use within your office.
User experience
Tweaks to specification, design or changes by the architects can then easily be entered onto the quotation for easy calculating.
Rapid order turnaround
"The Gardens aren't even soiled, the access road is being tarmacked on Friday let alone the plants ordered"
A can do attitude. We will do what we can for you.
Benefit from one of our 8-10am delivery slots
Perfect growing conditions
We appreciate how frustrating it is to get onto site for a one day job only to find your supplier has left off two lines without telling you.
Saving you money and time
The cost for returning to site the following day is expensive let alone the pain of getting behind on the job you should have started.