Set in motion: Greenwood’s new dispatch hub

by | May 6, 2021

The bays are buzzing at Greenwood’s new dispatch hub as the first orders are loaded with our top quality plants.

Where is the new dispatch hub?

We are thrilled to announce that, as of last week, the first orders have been dispatched from Fresh Acres in Walberton, one of Greenwood’s southern nurseries and home to Greenwood’s Head Office. Besides being the hub of operations – and now dispatch – Fresh Acres specialises in young plant and plug production and propagation, liner tray production and 2 and 3L evergreens.

Why did the dispatch hub move?

Greenwood is always looking to the future. While the dispatch hub at Aldingbourne has served the company well, it was time to take a leap. Our company vision includes continually searching for and implementing solutions that will add to our outstanding customer service – and providing a larger yard and the resulting shorter loading times will yield improved outcomes for all our clients.

Laying concrete at the new yard.

What changes can clients expect?

Firstly, the new yard is considerably larger – and the whole area is concreted, making it far easier for vehicles to manoeuvre (and for drivers to make their way to the office with relevant paperwork). The space has been divided into numbered bays, so that orders can be assembled ahead of time, shortening the loading time. Trucks can simply enter their designated bay, facing forwards, and the Greenwood team will have access to both sides and the rear. This enables them to load more plants at the same time, move the plants over less distance, and choose the most time-efficient or  suitable loading point for each item.

Stock that is waiting in bays will also be maintained in excellent condition until collection, as there is easy access to watering. However, there is likely to be less waiting than ever before, as more trucks can be accommodated – and orders serviced – at the same time.

Trucks and artics now enter via the main entrance at Fresh Acres and follow the road through the nursery and around to the yard at the bottom of the site. The yard operates a one-way system, so that once an order has been completely loaded, it can move off without delay.

A forklift helps assemble an order ready for loading in one of the bays at Greenwood’s new dispatch hub at Fresh Acres.

The new yard is wholly concreted and has an efficient one-way system with numbered bays for loading.

What next?

While we’re delighted to herald the opening of our new yard, we at Greenwood never rest on our laurels – or any other kind of plant. We are always looking to improve our offering and we are brimful of plans to take our new yard to new heights.

The next stage of proposed development will see a further area concreted and made over specifically for large, articulated trucks. There are also plans for further bays and, possibly, even some under cover! Later down the line, we hope to build a second access point to serve as a separate exit from the yard.

Finally, in order to ensure all our stock is ready for last-minute orders (and all in peak condition), an area dedicated to trees is in the works for the area adjoining the new yard. As always, Greenwood are keeping busy, making life straightforward for landscapers.

If you have any questions or concerns about procedures at the new yard, please get in touch with the G Team. We’re always happy to help.

Bays being filled with stock ready for the arrival of delivery trucks.